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Posted December 2, 2004 

Dear Mark & Cheryl,

We are saddened by this ordeal you are facing due to a child's unfortunate misbehavior.

We are grateful for the existence of The Whitmore Academy and your presence as our daughter's counsel & guardians.

You have taken on the most challenging task of saving the children's lifes when the parents are at their wits end.

You have taught XXXXX to love, to be grateful, to be responsible for her own actions, to make the right choices, to work together as a team, to respect oneself and others, to respect and honor her parents, to be kind to each other, and many more good values, so that XXXXX will become a self-respecting individual and an asset to our society.

We are impressed with the program that provides education, professional counseling, equine therapy, recreational therapy and the choice of weekly church attendance. We believe the staff at the Whitmore is very capable and are doing their best to provide the environment that is ideal for the personal growth of our daughter.

The feed back that we have received from XXXXX has been very positive. She has said many times how much she likes living at the Whitmore Academy. She repeatedly has said how she loves Cheryl and Mark. XXXXX is a person who is very open and expressive with her feelings, so we believe her when she tells us how good this school is for her. She considers the Whitmore Academy , Mark and Cheryl her family and her home away from home.

Yours truly,
Gary and Susana Hansen

Copyright © 2004, Woodbury Reports, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(This article may not be reproduced without written approval of the publisher.)

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