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Posted March 1, 2005


St. Martinville, Louisiana
Mark Barrentine, LCSW, Executive Director

[New Perspectives schools and programs are those new to Woodbury Reports, Inc., and are presented to expand your knowledge, with the disclaimer that we know little more about them at this time than what appears here. Inclusion in Places for Struggling Teens, of course, does not imply any endorsement by Woodbury Reports, Inc. -Lon]

In January 2005, Evangel House announced the opening of its new Transition Study Center for Young Women. The program is designed for older female teens ages 18-22. Evangel House is a non-denominational Christian program designed for those who want Christian values integrated into their daughter's treatment, recovery and character development. Evangel House will celebrate its 10th anniversary this August, but until now has only served girls ages 12-17 at its Christian Academy.

The goal of the new Transition Study Center is similar to that of services offered to younger teen residents; providing therapy by licensed professionals, medication management services, and holistic treatment planning while emphasizing a lifestyle based on Christian values. However, this new program integrates career coaching, independent living skills and supervised college & career training.

The structure of the Evangel House Transition Study Center provides graduates of other emotional growth schools and programs the opportunity to attend college, vocational training, or job training in a therapeutic environment. It also provides those with no prior residential placement the opportunity to prepare for adulthood through a two phase structure.

Phase One is a five to seven month individualized course designed to teach personal responsibility in areas of managing Time, Talent, Money, and Relationships™. Phase One residents participate in academic completion, equestrian activities, ranch chores, weekly individual and group therapy, a Christian life skills curriculum and local church involvement. There is a high level of family involvement as well, and family therapy sessions are a regular part of the program.

Phase Two is a five to seven month individualized course designed to coach residents in the application of their acquired skills in their daily lives. These residents attend classes at the local university, community college or vocational college. This phase fosters a healthy independence, while holding high standards of accountability and support.

The Evangel House Transition Study Center houses a maximum of seven in phase one and seven in phase two. The program is currently taking applications for enrollment.

Copyright © 2005, Woodbury Reports, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
(This article may not be reproduced without written approval of the publisher.)

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