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New Perspectives - Aug, 1997 Issue #47

“Strengthening Today’s Youth for Tomorrow’s Future”
Hungry Horse, Montana
Laurie Bleick, Admissions Director

This 45-60 day emotional growth program for boys ages 12-18 years old is starting up this summer and is currently ready to accept enrollments. They have 17 acres in a wilderness setting, 8 miles from Glacier National Park and 3 miles from the Hungry Horse Dam in Montana. Current facilities consist of five cabins for sleeping arrangements for the boys (with ten more currently in construction), a large BBQ Gazebo, an admission and recreation facility which is also used as a “lounge” and classroom, The grounds also include volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, hiking trails and an obstacle course. 

“Mandatory groups and activities are designed to build youth’s self-esteem, problem solving skills and communication techniques. These programs include: self-esteem/motivational Group, substance abuse counseling, recreational/sports activities, result oriented maintenance program, job skills program, personal hygiene/nutrition program, and a CPR-first aid program. All of these programs are designed to build confidence in every aspect of life. The world is sometimes harsh, but here, we offer the skills, confidence, motivation and the knowledge needed as a protective barrier against some of the ‘stings and bites’ of society.”

They will start a general evaluation form for each youth when admitted, and maintain a case log of “participation and behavior...available for whomever is in charge of the youths discharge.” The purpose of the self esteem/motivational group “...is to teach the youth the necessary behavioral skills needed to lead a more positive lifestyle.” The purpose of the substance abuse counseling “...is to teach prevention to youth concerning drug/alcohol abuse.” The program is educational based only. The purpose of the recreational sports/activities “...is to give the youth a ‘hands on’ experience in teamwork, inner-strength, physical development vs. Mental development.” The result oriented maintenance program “...is to teach the youth how actions create results. The program is structured based on landscaping, building and maintenance on facility.” The Job Skills program will focus on giving “...the necessary skills in interviewing, acquiring and keeping a job.” The CPR- First Aid program “...is to teach the youth how helping others and saving lives is necessary to leading progressive life and also give them the necessary coping skills when involved in an emergency.” 

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