Subject: Article $event$ by $user_fullname$ Body: $user_fullname$ has $event$ the article entitled "$art_name$". Status: $status$. ==== This is an automated e-mail. Please contact $mail_sender_name$ at $mail_sender_email$ if you no longer wish to receive notifications. ==== GLOBAL PLACEHOLDERS ___url_gindex___ the url to the Global Index $url_gindex$ ___url_publish___ the url to the directory containing all published files $url_publish$ ___url_search___ the url to Article Manager's Search Engine $url_search$ ___file_gcategories___ the filepath to the Global Category List (none selected) $file_gcategories$ ___file_gheadlines___ the filepath to the Global Headlines page $file_gheadlines$ ___file_headlines_bycat___ the filepath to the Headlines by Category page $file_headlines_bycat$ ___file_search___ the filepath to the Search Form $file_search$ ___global_updated___ the date and time any published pages were last updated $global_updated$ ___gcat_name___ the Global Category Name $gcat_name$ ___url_thispage___ the url of the current page $url_thispage$ DOCUMENT PLACEHOLDERS ___art_name___ the title of the article $art_name$ ___art_date___ the date of the article $art_date$ ___art_time___ the time of the article $art_time$ ___art_field1___ $art_field1$ ___art_field2___ $art_field2$ ___art_field3___ $art_field3$ ___art_field4___ $art_field4$ ___art_field5___ $art_field5$ ___art_field6___ $art_field6$ ___art_field7___ $art_field7$ ___art_field8___ $art_field8$ ___art_field9___ $art_field9$ ___art_field10___ $art_field10$ ___art_field11___ $art_field11$ ___art_field12___ $art_field12$ ___art_field13___ $art_field13$ ___art_field14___ $art_field14$ ___art_field15___ $art_field15$ ___art_field16___ $art_field16$ ___art_field17___ $art_field17$ ___art_field18___ $art_field18$ ___art_field19___ $art_field19$ ___art_field20___ $art_field20$ ___cat_name___ the name of the article's category $cat_name$ ___url_index___ the url to the Category Index page of the article's category $url_index$ ___detail_link___ the url to the article's Detail Page $detail_link$ ___file_categories___ the filepath to the Category List (with the article's category selected) $file_categories$ ___file_headlines___ the filepath to the Category Headlines page of the article's category $file_headlines$ ___art_num___ the record number of the article $art_num$ ___cat_num___ the record number of the article's category $cat_num$ ___art_day___ Date: day of the month of the article $art_day$ ___art_mon___ Date: month number of the article (1 - 12) $art_mon$ ___art_year___ Date: year of the article (four-digit) $art_year$ ___art_hour___ Date: hour of the article $art_hour$ ___art_min___ Date: minute of the article $art_min$ ___art_ampm___ Date: morning/evening indicator of the article $art_ampm$ ___art_summary___ $art_summary$ ___art_content___ $art_content$