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New Perspectives - August, 2001 Issue #84 

Baja California, Mexico
Dwayne Lee, Admissions Coordinator –
Parent Resources Hotline
Hurricane, Utah

[I called their web site number to ask some questions about the Parent Resources Hotline, identifying myself as an educational consultant. The person answering the phone informed me he was only authorized to send a packet of information and did not answer any of my questions. The packet I received included a photocopy of a letter from Dwayne Lee of Parent Resources Hotline, a Sample Daily Schedule for WWASP Programs, a brochure for High Impact, a Video Tape and a brochure for the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs: Casa by the Sea, Carolina Springs Academy, Cross Creek Academy, Spring Creek Lodge and Tranquility Bay. Apparently Parent Resources Hotline exclusively markets High Impact and WWASP programs.-Lon]

High Impact describes itself as a 28 day+ boot camp for defiant teens “that is well defined and well structured. This experience is designed to help teens replace destructive attitudes and behaviors with new perspectives and direction in their lives. This is accomplished by focusing on the three R’s of Reality, Respect, and Responsibility.” One of their stated goals “is to help participants gain an appreciation for home and family by learning to take total and complete responsibility for themselves.” They use a ranch setting “along with the rigors of an authentic military type schedule….” The typical schedule presented starts with “Wakeup” at 6:00 AM, and “Shutdown” at 8:00 PM, including four hours of “Marching” and six hours of “Worksheets.” The remaining time is devoted to Hygiene, Inspection and meals. “Staff members maintain 24-hour ‘round the clock’ supervision and interaction with participants. They teach values, acceptable behavioral norms and proper respect for authority….Our ‘gender separated’ compound” is designed to create an environment with “minimal distraction.”

The program describes its short-term program as a “wake-up” call for the teen, that parents can use to buy some time while deciding whether to enroll their child in their long-term program. The audiotape sent with the promotional packet consisted of a number of testimonials by parents and ex-students, mostly, however, apparently referring to the long-term WWASP programs rather than High Impact. A price list was included for the various WWASP programs, but none for High Impact.

PO Box 1671 | Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 | 208-267-5550
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