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Seen 'n Heard - Aug, 1997 Issue (page 2)

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Aspen Ranch, Loa, Utah, 800-283-8334, was accreditated last November by the Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges.” The Ranch also uses the SOI (Structure of Intellect) as a key “diagnostic tool which evaluates students’ strengths and weaknesses, identifies various learning disabilities, measures students’ progress, and determines individual learning styles.” This allows the school to “develop an individualized program for each student depending on his or her learning styles.” 

Reports are that about 4 million children in the United States are living with their grandparents. The Association of Retired Persons has been keeping statistics on this 90s phenomenon and estimate the numbers of grandparents acting as substitute parents has increased about 30% since 1994. STONE MOUNTAIN SCHOOL Catherine Jennings, Director of Stone Mt. School in Black Mountain, North Carolina, 704-669- 8639, announced a successful school for the year-round boys program, and that they have room for several more boys to replace those graduating. They have a capacity for up to 20 boys, which are divided by age into two groups, those ages 11 to 15, and the second group for boys ages 16 and above, which can go up to age 20. The school also has available a limited number of partial scholarships.

Wilderness Quest, operating in southern Utah, 801-587-2801, has recently added a new Field Director, Shane Kimberling. Shane is very experienced in the outdoors and adds a new perspective to the program. He is currently looking for additional Field Staff. And, as of June, the program has moved to their summer operations in the Blue Mountain region. 

The front page article in the June 2, 1997 Bend, Oregon Bulletin newspaper reads “Audit report damns J Bar J.” The report was quoted as concluding “the organization’s accounting procedures were so sloppy that an audit can’t determine if government funds or other revenues were spent properly.” The newspaper reports that the J Bar J Board is focusing “on former J Bar J Executive Director Craig Christiansen, who resigned Feb. 8 ....” Division managers, which includes Academy at Sisters, which is private and tuition funded, are not looking at potential sanctions because they were operating with the Executive Director’s approval. The Academy, a school for young women, 541-389-2748, is moving to a new location in August. 

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