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Opinion & Essays - Feb, 1993 Issue 


Thanks for sending me the Directory (which is very, very helpful) and the #18 edition of Reports... As of today's mail I have not received the December issue of Reports. Perhaps it is late, caught in a snow drift or maybe there is a problem with my address? Thought you'd want to know I really do find Reports to be a helpful tool. - Chris Covert, Providence, RI.

(Thanks Chris. I'm running about a month behind schedule due to many factors, including snow drifts. I mailed the Dec. issue about the time you mailed your letter, so you should have issue #19 by now. If not, let me know. The other possible problem some people might have is that last Spring I started using bulk mail, which is not forwarded if your address is changed or wrong. I have had some questions from others expecting the Post Office to forward all their mail. Please Make Note: If you change addresses, please make arrangements to have your mail forwarded or have me update my listing. -LON)

I recently brought your info to a group of school psychologists to whom I gave a presentation on alternative approaches. They were fascinated by the options available.
Jeanette Spires, Lake Forest, Illinois.
Yes, we are getting inquiries from the Directory. Thanks so much for the valuable service you perform. We are all so busy it's hard to keep track of any programs but our own. However, we have used your directory MANY times to assist parents in contacting other places when ours is not the right fit for their son.
-Brenda Hammond, Eagle Mountain Outpost, North Idaho.
We are pleased with your newsletter and directory and have had several inquiries.
James O'Connor, New Dominion School, Virginia.

Copyright © 1993, Woodbury Reports, Inc. (This article may be reproduced without prior approval if the copyright notice and proper publication and author attribution accompanies the copy.)

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